You can open a chat with us if you have any other questions
(also a good way to demo Sir Chat!)
Can I add Sir Chat to more than one site?
Absolutely, you can add Sir Chat to as many of your sites as you would like.
Are there more integrations coming?
Watch this space, we're working to expand Sir Chats reach beyond Slack. If you are looking for an integration with a particular platform let us know!
Are there any team or chat limits with Sir Chat?
Nope, none. You can have unlimtied chats and team members with Sir Chat, all for €15 per month. No sneaky upcharges or usage fees.
Who are the team behind Sir Chat?
Sir Chat is built by the team at
8bytes. We are a consultant developer based in Ireland who have been providing class leading, apps, websites and mobile apps for over 10 years for clients in Ireland and abroad.