Sir Chat

Live Chat

Simple live chat for your next project
Chat with your visitors in real-time right from Slack.
Your whole team, all your websites, in one place.
Free 14 day trial - no credit card required
Slack Add to Slack
Discord Discord Coming Soon...
How it works
Print Station
Connect to Slack
Choose a channel for incoming chat requests
Chat Widget
Add Chat Widget
Add one line of code to your website to install Sir Chat
Print Station
Start Chatting
You're ready to go, respond to new chats in Slack
Chat Widget
Add to all your websites
We're a small team, working on different projects every day. We built Sir Chat because we couldn't find a simple way to chat with our customers and visitors without breaking the bank. We don't charge for every extra site, add Sir Chat to all your projects for a fair monthly price.
Chat Widget
No chat bots, no "AI", just a simple reliable way for your customers to reach out. We hook directly into the tools you use and just get out of the way.

Built using modern technologies, Sir Chat is simple. fast and reliable. We prioritise dependability, ensuring that your customers can consistently get the help they need when they need it.

With Sir Chat, there's no need to overhaul your existing workflows. We integrate with the tools you already use, like Slack, so you can keep your existing processes in place.
Chat Widget
Your whole team
Anybody on your Slack can use Sir Chat. No limits. Multiple team members can hop in and reply to chats. You can choose to show your profile photos too.
Chat Widget
Style it your way
You control how Sir Chat looks. Adjust colours, messaging and settings from your dashboard. You can even have different branding for each of your sites.
Integrates with
Everything's included
IncludedUnlimited team members
IncludedUnlimited chats
IncludedUnlimited websites
IncludedCustom branding
per month
prices do not include VAT where applicable
You can open a chat with us if you have any other questions
(also a good way to demo Sir Chat!)
Can I add Sir Chat to more than one site?
Absolutely, you can add Sir Chat to as many of your sites as you would like.
Are there more integrations coming?
Watch this space, we're working to expand Sir Chats reach beyond Slack. If you are looking for an integration with a particular platform let us know!
Are there any team or chat limits with Sir Chat?
Nope, none. You can have unlimtied chats and team members with Sir Chat, all for €15 per month. No sneaky upcharges or usage fees.
Who are the team behind Sir Chat?
Sir Chat is built by the team at 8bytes. We are a consultant developer based in Ireland who have been providing class leading, apps, websites and mobile apps for over 10 years for clients in Ireland and abroad.
Sir Chat © 2023 8bytes. All rights reserved. Privacy Policy + Terms of Service